среда, 12. март 2025.
Početna / AKTUELNO / Italija: Za pet dana spaseno 8.300 migranata

Italija: Za pet dana spaseno 8.300 migranata

Izvor: Tanjug      foto: Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters

Rim,1.avgust – Italijanska obalska straža spasila je danas oko 1.800 migranata u vodoma kod libijske obale, a u poslednjih pet dana ukupno 8.300.

Tokom dana bilo je 16 operacija spasavanja, prenela je agencija AFP, navode?i da su se migranti nalazili u 14 gumenih ?amaca i dva drvena brodi?a.

Od po?etka godine, više od 3.000 migranta izgubilo je život na moru pokušavaju?i da se domogne Gr?ke ili Italije.

To je za 50 odsto više u odnosu na isti period 2015. godine.

Prema poslednjim podacima UNHCR, od po?etka godine u Italiju je pomorskim putem stiglo 89.217 ljudi, uglavnom iz podsaharske Afrike, što je približno isti broj zabeležen u ovom periodu prošle godine.

Italija je u ?etvrtak pokrenula kampanju preko Interneta, televizije, radija i društvenih mreža u kojoj se afri?ki migranti upozoravaju na brojne opasnosti koje ih o?ekuju na putu ka Evropi.

Italy says 8,300 migrants rescued in five days


Some 1,800 migrants were rescued from waters off Libya Monday, lifting the total picked up to 8,300 over five days, according to the Italian coastguard which coordinated the operations.

Vessels from the coastguard, the Italian navy, humanitarian organisations and EU anti-trafficking operation Sophia were involved in 16 operations to save people from 14 inflatable dinghies and two small wooden boats.

The latest rescues will lift to over 94,000 the number of migrants brought to Italian ports this year, roughly in line with the pattern of 2015, according to Flavio Di Giacomo, a spokesman for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

The number of migrants trying to reach Europe via the Greek islands has dropped sharply since an EU-Turkey deal designed to stem the flow was agreed in March.

Numbers on that route are running at dozens per day rather than the thousands per day seen this time last year.

More than 3,000 migrants have died at sea while trying to reach either Greece or Italy since the start of this year, an increase of some 50 percent on the same period in 2015.




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