In bargaining for refugees, the European Union has engaged in dirty business with Turkey – in which there is no room to talk about the state of law. The Union also forgot about humanity and values” says Barbara Vezel
Victories look different… A few days before the elections in the three German federal provinces, Angela Merkel got the needed good news. As the refugee crisis was not over, she had to boast at least some progress, and now Turkey’s offer of taking illegal refugees is being sold as a “big success”. Because “qualitative progress” does not have such a pungent narrative in the pre-election campaign. Although, after these last twelve hours of negotiations in Brussels, it was not possible to expect much more. The Turkish proposal was a quick hit from the beginning – too many questions remained open.
Merkel can no longer do anything right
This time, Eastern European countries have begun a debate because they believe that the Germans have put them into an awkward situation. The Chancellor denounced it, but in spite of that, some governments see its influence everywhere, and that’s why they arose. Hungary is once again alarmed by the Syrian emigration to Europe and Budapest does not give up its fight against the “foreign”
And indeed, the Turkish proposal lacks the date of the start of “takeover” if all new refugees who have reached Europe through Greece. Of course, the price of some Member States was therefore too high. Another 3 billion for Syrian refugees living in Turkey? Removal of visas for three months? Acceleration of accession negotiations? – Each of these suggestions has something resentful about it. At the same time, everyone agrees that Europe should be closed as soon as possible without new refugees coming in. But Austria and the Balkan countries believe that closing the border with Macedonia is a tried and true means – it functions without making further concessions to Turkey.
End of Worth
There was no debate at the summit on how to trade with Turkey at all when there is a provocative abolition of free press there. Therefore, it was necessary to terminate negotiations immediately…except that this criterion was not removed quick enough from the EU core values catalog. And that is not even the strangest, because the EU is very interested in the deal that will take her off the hook for new refugees. In any case, the criticism of Turkey’s bid of its anti-democratic moves and human rights violations was abstained as it used to be for China. Values are important in the EU…perhaps only on Sundays, when no summits are held.
There is also a quick and fundamental burying of humanity. Let’s not talk about what will happen to the desperate people who are stuck in Idomeni. Not to mention that Turkey is similar to being a safe-third country ; that there is no state of law, as had just been proven.
Will Turkey in the future make Iraqis flee or just push them back over the border in the direction of Mosul? Or are all Afghan refugees simply transferring airplanes to Kabul? Will Iranian return home in a short period of time?
In Germany there is a right to check individual reasons for seeking asylum, and the EU has committed itself to the respect of the Geneva Convention. All of this has become irrelevant since the only goal is to reduce the number of refugees to zero. We are approaching the ideal of right-wing populists- a fortress in Europe. After the EU has received millions of refugees, it has managed to put its own future into question, is ready to conclude dirty deals with Turkey and close its borders. It is in every respect a sad performance.