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Laws and Conventions

Decision on providing the temporary protection in the Republic of Serbia to displaced persons coming from Ukraine

Decision on providing the temporary protection in the Republic of Serbia to displaced persons coming from Ukraine The decision was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 36/2022 and 21/2023. 1.Temporary protection in the Republic of Serbia is granted…

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Asylum Commission

In the Commission for asylum shall be appointed : 1.As President: - Jovo Puletic, graduate lawyer, assistant to the Chief of the Border Police in the Ministry of Interior; 2. As Members: 1) Mirjana Kecman, graduate lawyer, independent advisor to…

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List of safe countries of origin

List of safe countries of origin "Official Gazette of the RS", No. 67/2009 On the Article 2 of the Asylum Act ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 109/07) and the Article 43 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Government ("Official…

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