Početna / CURRENTLY (Strana 3)


Asylum granted to unaccompanied minor in Serbia for the first time

author:APC/BETA      photo:Reuters Belgrade, January 28 - At the end of 2018, an unaccompanied minor girl from an African country received asylum in Serbia - this was the first instance of asylum being granted to an unaccompanied minor in our…

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Commissioner for the Protection of Equality: VIP mobile discriminated against Refugee

Edited: APC             Photo: APC Belgrade, January 20th -  The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, following a complaint made by Asylum Protection Center, issued an opinion and recommendation that VIP mobile, a mobile operator, violated…

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International Conference on the Integration of Refugees was held in Belgrade

Edited:apc  Photo:apc BELGRADE,December 10- Asylum Protection Center organized an international conference on the challenges surrounding the integration of refugees in the Balkans and the EU from December 5-8 2018, in Belgrade. The conference brought together experts and representatives of organizations…

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The Rise of Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in the Western Balkans and Central Europe

Source: BETA        Edited: APC       Photo: APC Belgrade, December 9 - In almost all countries of the Western Balkans and Central Europe there is noticeable intensified anti-refugee rhetoric, and the actions of political groups against the acceptance…

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Panel: Serbia, in addition to being a transit country, is also becoming a destination country for migrants

Source: BETA      Edited: APC       Photo: APC Belgrade, December 07 - Serbia is a country that is becoming a destination country for migrants, primarily thanks to its position on the EU's external border and the fact that it…

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APC in Cairo – Visiting StARS organization that looks after refugees

  Author: APC     Photo: APC - This month, Asylum Protection Center was in Cairo, visitin StARS, one of the first organizations in Egypt dedicated to caring for and improving the conditions of refugees and migrants. A unique visit, that…

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Research and policy brief on the education of refugee children in Serbia – the Challenges of Integration

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 22nd - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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Research and Policy Brief on Refugee Protection Policy and Practice – Temporary Protection Mechanism

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 21st - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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Research and policy brief on the health protection of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 15th - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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APC in Lebanon, the country with the highest number of refugees per capita

Edited: APC       Photo: APC Beirut, September 28th - Representatives of our organization visited Lebanon, a small Mediterranean country where about a million refugees reside, making it the country with the largest number of refugees per capita in the world.…

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Frontex already in Serbia

Belgrade, September 20 - Members of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency will be deployed on the borders of Serbia, as is envisaged by an agreement between Belgrade and Brussels, which has yet to be ratified. (English version below)…

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Germany will be sending back migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum there

       edited:APC             BERLIN, August 18 - Germany will be returning migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum in the Mediterranean country,  provided an agreement between the two nations. (English version below) An agreement…

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EU agreement: stop migration from outside the borders of the Union, solidarity amongst the members absent

edited: APC    foto: Apc July 1st - Despite the fear that a complete failure would come from the EU Summit of the EU Member States on the topic of migration, held last week, given their different views on this issue…

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Medina’s Family Released from Custody in Tovarnik and Transferred to the Center for Asylum Seekers in Kutina 

Edited: APC     Photo:APC ZAGREB, June 6th - The family of six-year-old Afghan girl Medina Hoseini, who died tragically after being hit by a train at the border crossing between Croatia and Serbia, was released after more than 70 days in detention…

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Representatives of the Balkans in Sarajevo: Joint actions to prevent illegal migration

Source: Beta       Photo: Beta SARAJEVO, June 7th - At today's meeting in Sarajevo, representatives of the Western Balkan countries committed to jointly prevent illegal migration, smuggling and trafficking in human beings. Representatives of Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia,…

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Djurovic: Use of force against refugees in Croatia will not solve the problem of migration

izvor: Beta   foto: Dado Ruvic / REUTERS BELGRADE, June 2nd - Director of the Asylum Protection Center Rados Djurovic assessed today, as the Croatian police wounded two young migrants with firearms, that the use of force against this population is not…

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