среда, 22. јануар 2025.
Početna / AKTUELNO / Broj izbeglica koji ulaze u Mađarsku opada, ali vlada šalje još 3000 policajaca na granicu sa Srbijom

Broj izbeglica koji ulaze u Mađarsku opada, ali vlada šalje još 3000 policajaca na granicu sa Srbijom


Priredio: APC     foto: Rojters M. Ruvi?

BUDIMPEŠTA, 10. avgust – Ma?arska vlada planira da pošalje još 3.000 policajaca na svoju južnu granicu, sa Srbijom i Hrvatskom, izjavio je danas ma?arski državni sekretar za vladine komunikacije Bence Tužon. On tvrdi da je ovaj potez vladin  odgovor na pritisak migranata koji žele da stignu do Zapadne Evrope.

Te snage ?e na granici biti raspore?ene trajno, rekao je Tužon i dodao da ?e prvenstveno biti poja?ane pograni?ne patrole, prenela je agencija MTI.

On je naveo da je ma?arsko Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova je zaduženo za regrutovanje i obuku, koja ?e po?eti uskoro.

U me?uvremenu  Ma?arski „IDOK „ navodi da obezbe?enje granice košta vladu milijarde forinti od po?etka migracije kriza. U ?lanku objavljenom ju?e pro-vladin list navodi vladine izvore po kojima  je Ma?arska izdvojila neverovatnih 4,5 milijarde forinti (16,2 miliona dolara) za obezbe?ivanje granicu od po?etka izbegli?ke krize u Evropi.

Prema zvani?nim policijskim podacima, broj azilanata uhapšenih na teritoriji Ma?arske je u opadanju. Policija je 9. avgusta, uhapsila  samo devet njih, a taj broj je bio ?ak i niži prethodnih dana, pa  je tako 4. avgusta uhapšen samo jedan migrant.

Novi zakon po kome se ilegalni migranti uhva?eni na teritoriji Ma?erske 8 kilometara od granice, bez ikakvog pravnog postupkavra?aju u Srbiju, stupio je na snagu po?etkom jula. Od tada stotine izbeglica u improvizovanom kampu na ni?ijoj zemlji na granici izme?u Srbije i Ma?arske, ?ekaju  da u?u u tranzitne zone. Postupak je neverovatno spor: ma?arske vlasti dozvoljavaju da u?esamo po 15 azilanta na dva grani?na prelaza.

Do prošle nedelje, ma?arske  civilne grupe su pokušavale da distribuira hranu i vodu za ljude nasukane na granici, ali ma?arska vlada  im je naredio  da suspenduje svoje operacije

Even though the number of asylum-seekers is decreasing, government spokesman Bence Tuzson announced on Wednesday that the Hungarian government and hired an additional 3000 policemen to secure the country’s border with Serbia.

Tuzson announced that the extra personnel will be sent to the border as soon as possible, and that the Ministry of Interior will be responsible for their recruiting and training, he added.

Meanwhile Magyar Id?k reports that securing the border has costs the government billions of forints since the migration crisis started. In an article published yesterday the pro-government print daily cited governmental sources when reporting that Hungary and spent a staggering HUF 4.5 billion (USD 16.2 million) securing its border since the start of the European refugee crisis.

(Why, that’s nearly as much as the government is spending this year on anti-refugee propaganda!-ed.)

According to official police figures, the number of asylum seekers apprehended on the territory of Hungary is decreasing. On August 9th, police captured only nine of them.  The number was even lower on 4th August when only one migrant was apprehended.

Since a new law came into effect at the beginning of July, asylum-seekers apprehended within 8 kilometers of the border can be sent back to the territory of Serbia without any legal proceedings. Meanwhile, there are still hundreds camping in dire conditions in a no man’s land on the border between Serbia and Hungary, waiting to enter transit zones. The procedure is incredibly slow: Hungarian authorities are allowing only 15 asylum seekers to enter the transit zones daily.

Until last week, civil groups were trying to distribute food and water to people stranded on the border, but the Hungarian government ordered them to suspend their operations.

A recent report by Human Rights Watch sharply criticized Hungarian authorities for failing to provide assistance to asylum seekers waiting to enter transit zones. They have no shelter, shower or proper food, and only a few portable toilets installed by Serbian authorities in early June.

Human Rights Watch also interviewed people who were apprehended inside Hungarian territory after trying to enter irregularly. They all said they were beaten and abused by people in uniform and then pushed back through the three-layer razor-wire fence into Serbia.



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