Početna / Rados Djurovic (Strana 6)

Rados Djurovic

Call to form a center for migrant children

Belgrade, June 07, 2019 - After the recent double homicide of unaccompanied minors in Belgrade, we are demanding that Serbian authorities establish a special center for unaccompanied minor migrants. Occurring within 48 hours of each other, these deaths are inexcusable.…

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APC organized a video workshop in cooperation with Swedish collective “Noncitizen”

Prepared by: APC  Photo: APC Belgrade, June 05 2019 - In cooperation with "Noncitizen" collective from Sweden, we are organizing five days of video workshops with refugees located in Belgrade, Bogovadja, Banja Koviljaca and Sid. During the workshop, refugees have…

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A tour of Vojvodina for refugee children and Belgrade high school students

Prepared by: APC  Photo: APC Belgrade, Becej, Palic, 30 May 2019 - Ugostiteljsko-turistička škola from Belgrade and the APC/CZA Integration Team organized an excursion for students of this school and young refugees living in Belgrade. The refugees that were taken…

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APC/CZA lawyer providing legal information and free legal counseling to asylum seekers/ refugees in Sjenica Asylum centre

APC/CZA lawyer providing legal information and free legal counseling to asylum seekers/ refugees in Sjenica Asylum centre, with the aim to raise their awareness about asylum procedure, rights, obligations and how to access asylum system in Serbia. With the support…

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APC part of SEE Legal Days 2019

Visit us today and tomorrow in the “Legal Days of South East Europe” fair, Metropol, Belgrade. APC is the oldest organization providing professional legal aid to asylum seekers/refugees since the start of Serbian asylum system 11 years ago. APC has…

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APC/CZA combined team of legal and psychosocial officers working on the north of Serbia

The APC/CZA team, comprised of legal and psychosocial experts works all across northern Serbia. APC/CZA visits locations across the country in order to monitor the Serbian-Croatian and Serbian-Hungarian borders and combat the illegal push backs of refugees to Serbia. The APC/CZA…

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APC shortlisted for 2018/19 “Rainbow” Award

Source: gsa.org.rs  Photo: gsa.org.rs Belgrade, May 13 2019 – Asylum Protection Center was shortlisted for the 2018/19th “Rainbow” Award, seventh in a row since 2012. The jury who is deciding on the 2018/19 “Rainbow” Award, formed a shortlist of 5…

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A guide for mother and baby on the move – support to baby and mothers refugees in and around asylum centres and in Belgrade

Dear mothers, we have met a lot of you during our work and we deeply believe that you, mothers, are the bravest and those that are facing the hardest challenge on your journeys – how to protect your child in…

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Forced refugee push backs to Macedonia from January to April 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Bujanovac, Presevo, Vranje, Pirot, 30 April 2019 - Employees of the Asylum Protection Center (APC/CZA) make regular visits to the camps in Vranje, Bujanovac, Pirot and open locations in Presevo. Here, APC conducted informal interviews with…

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Young refugees should receive additional temporary support after the age of 18, recommends the Committee of Ministers

Source: Council of Europe  Photo: Council of Europe Strasbourg,  24 April 2019 - The Council of Europe member States should provide to young refugees additional temporary support after the age of 18 to enable them to access their rights, advocates…

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APC team providing legal help to refugees in Sid and surrounding area

April 11th, 2019 Sid – APC/CZA team informing refugees/migrants and monitoring illegal pushbacks and violence in Sid and the surrounding area. APC/CZA team regularly provides information and psychosocial assistance/support to endangered migrants living in the open areas along the border…

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APC team providing psychological help to refugees in Vranje camp

April 05th 2019, Vranje – APC psychologist providing psychological support and counseling to a refugee mother with her baby girl and checking if she needs any help in Vranje camp, in Southern Serbia. Moreover, APC Psychological aid/assistance is provided across…

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Asylum Stories 2018

These are the stories of some of the refugees who stayed for a short or long time, were pushed-back or stayed in Serbia, who received help, support or advice from our organization. They talked to us about the reasons for…

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New Asylum Granted to Persecuted LGBT person

Belgrade, March 22 - In March 2019, the Republic of Serbia granted asylum in the scope of refugee protection to a gay man from Iran, on the basis of belonging to a social group – LGBT persons. During the six-month asylum…

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Asylum granted to unaccompanied minor in Serbia for the first time

author:APC/BETA      photo:Reuters Belgrade, January 28 - At the end of 2018, an unaccompanied minor girl from an African country received asylum in Serbia - this was the first instance of asylum being granted to an unaccompanied minor in our…

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Commissioner for the Protection of Equality: VIP mobile discriminated against Refugee

Edited: APC             Photo: APC Belgrade, January 20th -  The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, following a complaint made by Asylum Protection Center, issued an opinion and recommendation that VIP mobile, a mobile operator, violated…

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Refugees remain for several years or even permanent, integration is a new step for Serbia

Belgrade, January 14th - Our country is still a place where migrants stay longer, due to their non-acceptance in most neighboring countries, Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Romania. Without a legally regulated position, they remain in the Balkans for several…

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International Conference on the Integration of Refugees was held in Belgrade

Edited:apc  Photo:apc BELGRADE,December 10- Asylum Protection Center organized an international conference on the challenges surrounding the integration of refugees in the Balkans and the EU from December 5-8 2018, in Belgrade. The conference brought together experts and representatives of organizations…

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The Rise of Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in the Western Balkans and Central Europe

Source: BETA        Edited: APC       Photo: APC Belgrade, December 9 - In almost all countries of the Western Balkans and Central Europe there is noticeable intensified anti-refugee rhetoric, and the actions of political groups against the acceptance…

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Panel: Serbia, in addition to being a transit country, is also becoming a destination country for migrants

Source: BETA      Edited: APC       Photo: APC Belgrade, December 07 - Serbia is a country that is becoming a destination country for migrants, primarily thanks to its position on the EU's external border and the fact that it…

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APC in Cairo – Visiting StARS organization that looks after refugees

  Author: APC     Photo: APC - This month, Asylum Protection Center was in Cairo, visitin StARS, one of the first organizations in Egypt dedicated to caring for and improving the conditions of refugees and migrants. A unique visit, that…

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Research and policy brief on the education of refugee children in Serbia – the Challenges of Integration

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 22nd - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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Research and Policy Brief on Refugee Protection Policy and Practice – Temporary Protection Mechanism

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 21st - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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Research and policy brief on the health protection of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia

Author: APC/CZA                         Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 15th - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…

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