Početna / Rados Djurovic (Strana 5)

Rados Djurovic

PRESS RELEASE – The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk

Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…

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PRESS RELEASE The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk

Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…

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Europe migrant crisis: Calls to redistribute migrants as arrivals rise

Source: BBC  Photo: Getty Images Athens, September 19 - France and Italy are calling for a new system to automatically redistribute migrants across the EU as the number of people entering Europe surges. "The European Union hasn't shown enough solidarity…

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Erdoğan threatens to let Syrian refugees leave Turkey for west unless safe zone in Syria is set up

Source: The Guardian  Photo: Anadolu Agency Ankara, September 05, 2019 - The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is threatening to “open the gates” to allow Syrian refugees to leave Turkey for western countries unless a controversial “safe zone” inside Syria…

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Commissioner talks about violence and illegal expulsion of migrants by Croatian police for the first time

Source: TV Prva Belgrade, September 01, 2019 - Violence by Croatian police against migrants at the border has now taken on dramatic proportions, said Rados Djurovic, director of the Asylum Protection Centre (APC/CZA), in the Morning program on TV Prva.…

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Greece sees first mass arrival of migrant boats in three years

Source: Ekathimerini  Photo: RTE Athens, 30 August 2019 - Over a dozen migrant boats landed on Greece’s Lesbos island within minutes of each other on Thursday in the first such mass arrival from neighbouring Turkey in three years, officials said,…

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Croatia illegally returns over 60 refugees a day to Serbia

Text: APC Photo: APC Sid, August 30, 2019 - According to information gathered by the APC / CZA mobile team during regular visits to open locations near the border with Croatia, the Croatian police, in addition to the brutality with…

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APC/CZA mobile office helping refugees wherever they are

Text: APC  Photo: APC Krnjača, 05 August 2019 - APC/CZA team of legal and psychosocial staff using our mobile office on wheels “APC camper” to visit Krnjaca camp, where many of the refugees are unaccompanied minors, providing them with all…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from July 22 to August 2, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, 03 August 2019. -  APC/CZA staff regularly visit border areas in northern Serbia, migrant and refugee reception camps and open locations where migrants and refugees are located along the borders with Croatia,…

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Violence against migrants on the Hungarian border continues

text: APC photo: APC KELEBIJA, July 25, 2019 – Migrants who are trying to cross the border at Kelebija face the humiliating and inhumane behavior from Hungarian border police officers daily. Migrants who are staying outside the camps, in open…

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Is there a need for a special center for migrant children?

Source: Tanjug, Večernje novosti  Photo: Tanjug Belgrade, 21 July 2019 – Asylum Protection Center (APC/CZA) believes that the existing centers for accommodation of minor migrants are inadequate and urges the opening of a special center for the reception of these…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from July 08 to July 19, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, July 20, 2019. –  APC/CZA staff regularly visit border areas in northern Serbia, migrant and refugee reception camps and open locations where migrants and refugees are located along the borders with Croatia,…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from June 25 to July 05

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, July 6, 2019 - APC/CZA mobile team regularly visits border areas in northern Serbia, as well as transit and reception camps for migrants and refugees in Subotica, Kikinda, Sid and Principovac, including…

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EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018

Source: EASO  Photo: EASO Brussels, 25 June 2019 - European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published annual report on the situation of asylum in EU. The objective of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union…

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EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018

Source: EASO  Photo: EASO Brussels, 25 June 2019 - European Asylum Support Office released the annual report on the situation of asylum in the European Union on 24 June 2019. The objective of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation…

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Migrant/refugee situation in the south of Serbia from April 22 to June 24, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Bujanovac, Preševo, Vranje, Pirot, June 24, 2019 -  APC/CZA mobile team regularly visits border areas in southern Serbia, as well as transit and reception camps for migrants and refugees in Presevo, Vranje, Bujanovac, Pirot, Nis, Dimitrivograd…

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Djurovic: The efficiency of determining refugee status and integration of the refugees are the biggest challenges

Source: Beta  Photo: Beta Belgrade, 20 June 2019 - Director of the Asylum Protection Center (APC/CZA) Rados Djurovic assessed today, on the occasion of World Refugee Day, that the biggest challenges regarding refugees in Serbia are related to the speed…

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Djurovic: The human attitude towards refugees is crucial in order to understand them and help them

Source: Radio Beograd 1  Photo: APC Belgrade, 20 June 2019 - On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Misa Stojiljkovic hosted Rados Djurovic in the morning program of Radio Belgrade 1 "Catch the Day!". During the show’s regular section "Question…

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APC southern team organized an integration event for youth and refugees in Bujanovac

Text: APC  Video: APC Bujanovac, 14 June 2019 - The APC Preševo ​​office organized an integration event in Bujanovac in cooperation with the cultural association “Dituria”. Young people from Bujanovac had the opportunity to meet refugees who are staying in…

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Đurović: The biggest problem in Serbia is that we do not have accommodation for unaccompanied minor migrants

Source: PRVA Belgrade, 08 June 2019 - On June 7th, a young refugee was killed after being stabbed 24 times in Belgrade. Many believe this murder was allegedly an act of revenge for the victim’s complicity in the murder of…

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