Početna / Rados Djurovic (Strana 4)

Rados Djurovic

Vranje, Bujanovac i jug Srbije u dometu APC pomoći

Vranje, južna Srbija. Naš mobilni tim pokriva ovaj deo Srbije, deli humanitarnu pomoć izbeglicama, majkama i deci, kojima je preko potrebna sveža hrana, pirinač, voće, vitamini ali i Anti-covid oprema i higijena, a u okviru projekta “Hitna multisektorska podrška migrantima/azilantima/licima…

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Pomoć tražiocima azila prilikom kupovine personalizovanih busplus kartica.

25.09.2020. Belgrade, APC/CZA volonteri, studenti i kulturni medijatori uz superviziju stručnih radnika naše organizacije u Beogradu pomažu tražiocima azila i izbeglicama prilikom kupovine personalizovanih Busplus kartica za prevoz. Kao i domaći građani – ako su nezaposleni, tražioci azila i izbeglice…

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Pomoć u otvaranju računa u banci i u zapošljavanju

Beograd 08.09.2020. Godinama APC integracijski tim pomaže tražiocima azila i izbeglicama u Srbiji da otvore račun u banci koji im je potreban radi primanja zarede, novčane socijalne pomoći, pomoći porodice.. U svim sredinama širom Srbije naši zaposleni, kolege i kulturni…

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Refugees are arriving to Belgrade with serious injuries from the violence and illegal push back from the borders.

06.09.2020. Belgrade, Many of refugee are arriving to Belgrade with serious injuries from the violence and illegal push back from the border with Hungary or Croatia, they are staying in the parks around the main bus station in center Belgrade.…

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APC/CZA mobile team monitor the border between Serbia/Croatia/Hungary.

03.09.2020. Sid, While visiting an open location in Sid, the mobile APC/CZA team of lawyer and psychologist providing legal and psychosocial support/counseling for refugees to understand their legal position, their rights, obligations and possibilities to protect themselves. APC/CZA mobile team…

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Polazak mlade Zeynab u srednju skolu

Beograd, 02.o9.2020., Uključivanje u obrazovni sistem predstavlja jedan od najbitnijih aspekata integracije i preduslov psihosocijalne stabilnosti izbeglica i njihovog povezivanja sa lokalnom zajednicom. Integracijski sektor APC/CZA nastoji da svojim klijentima obezbedi ostvarivanje prava na obrazovanje, imajući na umu da  je…

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APC/CZA legal sector is providing free legal counseling and legal representation in asylum procedures.

17.08.2020. Belgrade, APC/CZA team of lawyer and cultural mediator visiting asylum center Krnjaca in Belgrade and working with refugees accordingly to the guidelines against the spreading of COVID-19 (wearing mask, keeping distance and using hand sanitizer). Our team met father…

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Prvi slučaj spajanja porodice izbeglice u Srbiji

20.07.2020. Beograd, Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila sa izrazitim zadovoljstvom izdaje saopštenje da su odobrene vize za prvo spajanje porodice izbeglice u Republici Srbiji od nastanka azilnog sistema 2007 godine. Naime, radi se o porodici izbeglice iz Avganistana…

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Pomoć u zapošljavanju za Hepines – prvi korak u integraciji u novoj sredini

19.07.2020. Beograd, Tražilja azila, poreklom iz jedne istočno- afričke zemlje godinu i po dana boravi u Srbiji. Naš tim ju zastupa u azilnoj proceduri. APC joj je pomogao da dobije ličnu radnu dozvolu i bude oslobođena plaćanja administrativne takse. Zajedno…

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Pomoć tražiocima azila prilikom kupovine personalizovanih busplus kartica.

Beograd, APC/CZA volonteri, studenti i kulturni medijatori uz superviziju stručnih radnika naše organizacije u Beogradu pomažu tražiocima azila i izbeglicama prilikom kupovine personalizovanih Busplus kartica za prevoz. Kao i domaći građani – ako su nezaposleni, tražioci azila i izbeglice mogu…

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Psihološka podrška preko potrebna

18.07.2020. Beograd, APC psihologe svakodnevno putem telefona kontaktiraju izbeglice u potrebi za psihološkom podrškom. Njihova situacija, već dovoljno teška sama po sebi i puna neizvesnosti i nestabilnosti koje izbeglički život donosi, je sada dodatno otežana epidemiološkom situacijom, ograničenjima i rizicima…

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Tinejdžer iz Avganistana polaznik “Malih pozorišnih eksperata” u Narodnom pozorištu bez pratnje poreklom iz Avganistana

15.07.2020. Beograd, Sedamnaestogodišnji Habib, tržilac azila poreklom iz Avganistana, u Srbiji je gotovo tri godine. Naučio je srpski jezik, redovan je đak srednje škole u Beogradu. Habiba u azilnoj proceduri zastupa APC/CZA što je bila njegova želja koju je njegov…

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Polaganje male mature mlade Zejnab

22.06.2020. Beograd, Porodica koju zastupa APC/CZA u azilnoj proceduri pre nekoliko meseci preselila se iz centra za azil u Beograd. Roditelji su se zaposlili a naš tim je pomogao bratu i sestri da upišu lokalnu školu blizu njihove kuće. Zateklo ih…

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CMS SUBMITS CRIMINAL REPORT TO DORH: Systematic torture and humiliation of refugees is a criminal offense!

05.06.2020. Zagreb, Centre for Peace Studies filed a criminal complaint to the State Attorney's Office in Zagreb against the unknown perpetrators police officers based on a reasonable doubt of degrading treatment and torture of 33 people and their violent, illegal…

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Tražioci azila u centru za azil Banja Koviljača se bore sa teškim uslovima života, ograničenim kretanjem i neizvesnošću

04.06.2020. Banja Koviljača. Tražioci azila u centru za azil Banja Koviljača se bore sa teškim uslovima života, ograničenim kretanjem i neizvesnošću šta će dalje biti sa njihovim životima. I pre vanrednog stanja koje ih je zadesilo u kampovima im je…

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Informisanje izbeglih o azilu i novim COVID merama

Pružanje informacija je i dalje najbitniji segment u zaštiti novopridošlih migranata i izbeglica u Srbiju. Naši timovi  obilaze prihvatne centre i mesta gde se izbegli nalaze na jugu Srbije, u centralnoj Srbiji i na severu zemlje. U okviru projekta “Hitna…

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APC/CZA team of pedagogue, social worker and cultural mediator working in asylum center in Krnjaca

28.05.2020. Belgrade, APC/CZA team of pedagogue, social worker and cultural mediator working in asylum center in Krnjaca in Belgrade, providing necessary counseling/support and help for the refugees family in resolving problems they may face living in the camp with other…

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Find out new and verified information during the state of emergency, through our APC smartphone app

15.04.2020. Belgrade, You can find out new and verified information regarding the validity of work permits, IDs, freedom of movement, camp rules and regulations, social assistance during the satate of emergency because of CORONA19 virus through our APC smartphone app…

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Personal work permits for clients of Asylum Protection Centar.

During 2019, Asylum Protection Centar continued to help asylum seekers and refugees obtain personal work permits in order to join the labor market without hindrance. According to the Center's statistics, more than 100 personal work permits have been issued for…

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Police is suspending submission of asylum claims in Serbia

24.03.2020. Belgrade Due to the declared state of emergency, The Government of Serbia issued a decision for suspending, the procedure for taking biometric data of foreigners on 24.03.2020, until further notice, As  process for claiming asylum involves taking of biometric…

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Recommendations in the field of employment of asylum seekers and persons who have been granted asylum 01.07.-31.12.2019.

Project of Asylum Protection Center "Support to asylum seekers and persons granted protection in entering the labor market" in Serbia, in the period 01.07.-31.12.2019. funded by the Swiss Confederation, State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) Based on the results of the…

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APC/CZA panel in Belgrade “Access to employment for refugees and asylum seekers. in Serbia: Experiences, Challenges and Lessons Learned ”

06.12.2019. Belgrade, - Within the APC/CZA international event "Integration Days 2019", at the Hotel Zira, and within the project "Support to asylum seekers and persons granted protection in entering the labor market" in Serbia, funded by Switzerland Confederation, State Secretariat…

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Serbia and EU signed the agreement on border management cooperation

Source: European Western Balkans Portal  Photo: Frontex logo; Photo: Christian Charisius Brussels, November , 2019 - European Union and Serbia signed the agreement on border management cooperation today in Brussels. According to a statement from the European Commission, the agreement will…

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