Source: RTS Belgrade 03/02/2022 -The largest number of people escaped from Ukraine to Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. Several hundred refugees have also arrived in Serbia and for now are mostly staying at relatives and friends. Director of Asylum Protection…
Read moreHalf a million people have fled Ukraine since the intervention began.
Source: K1 Televizija Beograd 01.03.2022.
Read moreThe echoes of war: Migration wave gets increased
Source: Nova Belgrade, 03/01/2022 -As the bombs fall, victims are counted, but so are hundreds of thousands of refugees. It all sounds incredibly painful and familiar to us. The war in Ukraine, like any war, makes people flee. According to…
Read moreRefugees from Ukraine arrive in Serbia: We must be ready to receive at least 10,000 people.
Source: Tanjug Belgrade, 28.02.2022. -The number of refugees who will enter Serbia depends exclusively on the behavior of our neighboring countries Director of the Asylum Protection Center Rados Djurovic says that first refugees from Ukraine have already started arriving in…
Read moreOnly 14 people received asylum in 2021.
The European Asylum Office (EUAA) confirmed yesterday that over 106,000 people from Afghanistan and Syria have applied for asylum in the European Union in 2021, which is the highest number since 2016. Most of them had to pass through the…
Read moreTV interview about the cross-section of situation in Serbia regarding refugees
Source: Televizija Vesti Belgrade, 01/11/2022-In a guest appearance on TV Vesti, at Dušica Spasić, the director of our center, Radoš Djurović, was a guest. He spoke about the current situation regarding asylum and migration in Serbia. At the same time,…
Read morePushbacks report for Southern Serbia borders, first half of 2021
The practice of illegal expulsion or pushbacks of exiles is strengthening this year in the south of Serbia towards Northern Macedonia, and only in the first 6 months of 2021, according to the testimony of migrants, Asylum Protection Center documented…
Read moreA new chance for Michael from Congo
Thirty-two-year-old Michael from Congo has been in Serbia for less than two years and would like to stay in our country because he feels safe here, speaks the Serbian language and tries to integrate into the Belgrade community. Upon his…
Read moreĐurović: Negative rhetoric toward migrants in Serbia on the increase since 2020
Source: Nova Belgrade, 12/18/2021- Serbia welcomes Migrants Day as a country on the border of the EU, through which the large number of migrants without regulated status pass and reside, and all this is accompanied by a negative attitude and…
Read moreThrough Serbia to a better life: The number of migrants is not decreasing despite the pandemic; this year 40,000 people entered the country
Source: Euronews Belgrade, 12/17/2021- The number of migrants in Serbia, despite the years of pandemic, has not decreased, on the contrary. The asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Syria and other countries via the Balkan route, which includes Serbia, still want to reach…
Read moreBonding between high schoolers and refugee children
APC/CZA has been working for years to connect the youth from local areas where refugees reside - pupils, students, activists - and refugees themselves because we believe it is very important to create opportunities to meet, to exchange experiences and…
Read moreReport on pushbacks on the northern borders of Serbia in 2021.
Illegal and mostly violent pushing of refugees back to neighboring Serbia, the country from which they entered, has been established on almost all northern borders that Serbia shares with neighboring countries. In the first half of 2021, 527 pushbacks from…
Read moreThe ECHR confirmed Croatia’s responsibility in Madina’s case.
In 2017, a little girl, named Madina Hussiny from Afghanistan, was struck and killed by a train after being illegally pushed back with her family by Croatian police to Serbia, without giving them opportunity to seek asylum in Croatia. Afterwards,…
Read moreNew migrant routes do not pass by Serbia
Source: RTS Belgrade, 11/07/2021- Two days ago, the police again found 81 illegal migrant and took them to a reception center. Refugees are constantly looking for new routes, but they always go through Serbia. Due to the pandemic and the…
Read moreThe ‘People’s Patrol’ disturbed the people of Sombor: Posters and calls to lynch people who provided accommodation to migrants appeared
Source: Euronews Belgrade, 10/12/2021- The activists and sympathizers of the so-called ‘People's Patrol’ organized in Sombor a protest against migrants during the weekend. On their social networks and around the city, they taped the photos and names of people they…
Read moreAssisting refugees in integrating into the local community.
07.09.2021. Belgrade, The period of transition and change of place of residence is a challenge for everyone, especially for refugees who leave been in a large collective reception camp and come to a new local community. Even when they speak…
Read morePreparing food for unaccompanied minors
Belgrade, 09/06/2021- One of the sectors of APC/CZA is food production, where part of the food is donated to refugees and migrants throughout Serbia. Among the children to whom we deliver food periodically and upon request are unaccompanied minors residing…
Read moreConnecting young refugees and youth from the local environment
Subotica, 09/06/2021- The pandemic influenced everyday life of all of us and especially migrants, asylum seekers and refugees are made even more vulnerable and isolated. In environments with a greater social tension like Subotica, where the animosity toward refugees has…
Read moreWe are not ready for the refugees from Afghanistan
Source: Nova Belgrade, 08/19/2021 - The crisis of migrants from Afghanistan threatens the whole of Europe, and the culmination will be if the refugees reach Turkey, says Radoš Đurović, director of Asylum Protection Center. Although the main messages of the…
Read moreThe people will flee from the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, if a new refugee crisis awaits us
Source: RTS Belgrade, 08/18/2021 - Executive Director of Asylum Protection Center, Radoš Đurović, tells RTS that effects of the situation in Afghanistan, in the context of refugees, will be visible only in a few months. However, he adds, a massive…
Read moreCountries on the ‘Balkan route’ are preparing for refugees fleeing the Taliban
Source: Radio Slobodna Evropa Đurović: Serbia needs long-term plans for migration management Belgrade, 08/17/2021 - Radoš Đurović from the Belgrade non-governmental Asylum Protection Center says that it is difficult to assess whether the situation in Afghanistan will trigger a larger…
Read moreĐurović: Serbia will feel the increase in the number of refugees from Afghanistan only in a few months
Source: Beta Belgrade, August 16, 2020 - The executive director of Asylum Protection Center, Radoš Đurović, said today that the consequences of the crisis in Afghanistan, i.e. a possible increase in migration, will be felt in Serbia and the Balkans…
Read moreWhat if the myriad of refugees from Afghanistan goes to Europe, through Serbia?
Source: Tanjug Belgrade, 08/16/2021 -The director of Asylum Protection Center says that after the Taliban took over Kabul, a massive influx of refugees from that country can be expected. According to Radoš Đurović, they primarily gravitate, via the Mediterranean, towards…
Read moreIS A NEW WAVE OF REFUGEES AWAITING US? Will the migrant crisis of 2015 repeat due to the Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan? Serbia will be especially vulnerable because of one thing
Source: Blic Belgrade, 08/16/2021 - The Taliban arrival in power in Afghanistan, among other things, may also mean the arrival of a large number of refugees from this country to the Balkans, but we should not expect the migrant crisis…
Read moreThere are more than 5,000 migrants in Serbia, many of them invisible to the legal system
Source: RTS Belgrade, Avgust 2, 2021 – Currently, there are 5,000 to 6,000 asylum-seeking migrants on the territory of Serbia, who are in camps or outside the provided accommodation, in informal settlements, primarily in the north of the country and…
Read morePushbacks on the southern borders of Serbia in 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought significant changes around the world and in various aspects of life, and thus in migration. With the declaration of the corona virus pandemic, refugees in Serbia found themselves in an extremely unfavorable position, facing…
Read moreReport on “Push backs” on the northern borders of Serbia in 2020.
Since the refugee crisis of 2015 and 2016, which represent milestones in the management of migration in Europe, and especially in the Balkans, there has been a tightening of border control, both the external borders of the European Union (specifically…
Read moreNew family reunification in 2021.
27/04/2021 Belgrade, The Asylum Office of the Republic of Serbia passed a new decision on family reunification in 2021. Unlike the case of family reunification from Afghanistan from last year, when six family members of Afghan citizens came to Serbia,…
Read moreUpravni sud potvrdio povredu prava na prevođenje.
Upravni sud je presudom 16 U 9284/2020 usvojio tužbu Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila i ponovio da je došlo do povrede prava na upotrebu i vođenje upravnog postupka na jeziku koji stranka, u ovom slučaju azilant S.A. iz Avganistana,…
Read moreZahtev za azil nedostupan izbeglicama.
10.02.2021. Beograd, Još od stupanja na snagu Zakona o azilu i privremenoj zaštiti i donošenja Pravilnika o sadržini i izgledu obrasca zahteva za azil i sadržini i izgledu obrazaca isprava koje se izdaju tražiocu azila i licu kojem je odobren…
Read moreBiased information and inactivity of those responsible are the reason for xenophobia.
28/01/2021 Belgrade, After incorrectly transmitted information in most mainstream media about the robbery in the center of Belgrade allegedly committed by migrants, the public and citizens felt threatened, and fear and animosity towards migrants, asylum seekers and refugees increased. Without…
Read moreMaloletnik u besvesnom stanju usled smrzavanja na otvorenom.
Maloletnik bez pratnje roditelja M. A. (16) poreklom iz Sirije, pronadjen je u šumi u okolini Subotice, i hitno dana 17.11.2020. godine primljen u bolnicu u besvesnom stanju. Dijagnostifikovana mu je hipotermija, sepsa, meningitis, delimicna oduzetost tela i upala pluća,…
Read moreMaloletnik u budnoj komi kao posledica push back-a od strane rumunske policije
25.12.2020. Novi Sad, Tačno pre godinu dana, 25.12.2019. godine grupu maloletnika bez pratnje iz Avganistana udario je automobil na putu kod Novog Kneževca, gde su se vraćali nakon tzv. push back od strane rumunske policije. Nakon neuspelog prelaska granice i…
Read moreJoint Annual Report on Asylum/Migration Practice and Discrimination Challenges in Serbia in 2019
Azilni postupak nedostižan za izbeglice
27.11.2020. Beograd, Prema informacijama sa kojima raspolaže naš centar, Kancelarija za azil nije tokom čitave godine posetila Centar za azil Tutin gde su smeštena lica koja žele da podnesu zahtev za azil. Da bi lica koja su registrovana i koja…
Read moreGuardianship of unaccompanied minor migrants in Serbia.
Humanitarian aid to mothers and women at risk.
Currently, there are up to 1,400 people in camps along the Serb-Croatian border, of which about 200 are families with small children. On the other hand, some families stay in Sid for up to 10 months, in a transit camp.…
Read moreHealth care unattainable for asylum seekers.
09/11/2020, Belgrade. "Where's his / her health insurance booklet?" "Do you have any paper from the Ministry of Health?" "Yeah, he / she is an asylum seeker. Then to the doctor at the camp. " "I can't put him /…
Read moreThe APC is helping unaccompanied children get through the Covid19 situation.
Hygiene, traditional food and humanitarian aid are needed to reach everyone in need. Especially unaccompanied children. That is why we periodically deliver the same help in the form of food, hygiene, traditional food, fruit clothes, masks, vitamins, to institutions and…
Read moreU Krnjači pomažemo u borbi protiv Covida
28.10.2020. Krnjaca, U centrima za azil delimo maske, higijenu i sanitajzere kao i maske za zaštitu od COVID_19, a u okviru projekta “Hitna multisektorska podrška migrantima/azilantima/licima kojima je odobren azil kao odgovor na krizu COVID-19” koji je podržala Fondacija za…
Read more